Who is eligible for sponsorship from The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute (FMCI)?
FMCI aims at sponsoring all cancer and cancer-related activities:
- Any financially needy patient diagnosed with any cancer type can call for financial sponsorship. The Association hence raises funds and invests to assist and ensure the best possible life-saving treatment and care of the cancer patient, locally and abroad ;
The FMCI does not and will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religious creed, gender, age, physical ability, sexual orientation, or marital status.
How can I apply for sponsorship?
- For cancer patients:
To know whether you are eligible for sponsorship, kindly call us on +230 5944 8486 You will be advised on the documents to submit, and, if need be, be scheduled a meeting with our health or administrative representatives. Once your demand is submitted, we will confirm if you can qualify for sponsorship and tell you more about its process.
- For health institutions and research centres:
To know whether you are eligible for sponsorship, kindly send us your sponsorship request by email on [email protected]. Our administrative representatives will get in touch with you for the process.
What other support can I get from The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute?
- On FMCI’s agenda of activities are the running of person-to-person exchanges in the form of awareness campaigns and workshops, as well as conferences about cancer. We are focused on educating the population on the importance of early cancer detection and cancer prevention around the island;
- With the help of a nutritionist, the Association is bent on dispelling myths and misconceptions about cancer and bring forefront a healthier way of life to cancer and non-cancer patients and their families;
- By using social media, the Association wishes to maintain a close connection with the population, and answer any of their immediate interrogations about cancer, through a simple and pedagogical approach;
- Also, in partnership with healthcare professionals, the Association has a calendar for free cancer screening and relays across the island.
How does the Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute fund sponsorships?
The Managing Committee seeks funds through individuals and corporate bodies, locally and internationally, by:
- Accepting donations and legacies;
- Carrying out fundraising activities ;
- Accepting leasing and investment to meet its objectives.
I live outside of Mauritius. Can I still make a donation to The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute?
Yes. Please, contact us by email on [email protected] so that we can walk you through the correct procedure.
Can my donation to The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute remain anonymous?
While we understand and respect our donors’ wish for anonymity, the donor’s name will not be disclosed to the public, but will be registered in our books for financial transactions transparency. A receipt of your donation will also be issued under your name, as we value financial transparency, an imperative to the good running of the Association at all levels.
Can a donation or gift be made to The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute in memory of a passed one, or to honour someone?
Yes. While the funds will be received under the name of the person you wish to honour, the name of the present donor will be registered in our books for financial transactions transparency, and a receipt of the donation or gift will also be issued under the present donor’s name.
Is there a minimum amount required when contributing as a donor?
No. Any amount contributed is gratefully received.
Can I make a monthly contribution to The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute by direct debit transfers?
Kindly contact us by email on [email protected]
I wish to raise funds for The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute. Am I allowed to and how can I do so?
Every pail of water brought to the mill is worthy and praiseworthy. If you wish to carry out fundraising for FMCI, please contact us personally by phone on +230 5944 8486 or email us on [email protected] and we shall kindly attend to your request.
Can a gift be left in my will for The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute?
All hearty contributions to the cancer fight is most welcome. If you wish to leave a gift for the Association in your will, please contact us personally by phone on +230 5944 8486 or email us on [email protected] and we shall kindly attend to your request.
What guarantee is given to me that my donation or gift to The Falcon Memorial Cancer Institute is used as aforesaid?
The FMCI shall annually publish an Official Audited Financial Statement Report, available for download, on its website for consultation by the public. It is the best way to enlist and ensure your ongoing support for our cause.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, donations are tax-deductible in Mauritius. You will receive an electronic or official receipt either by email or by post.