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Tag: Cancer Symptoms in Mauritius

cancer in mauritiusCancer ResearchCancer Stages

Supporting a Loved One with Cancer During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for families with loved ones battling cancer,...

Looking Back, Moving Forward: FMCI’s 2024 Recap

As 2024 comes to an end, it’s time to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished together at FMCI. This year has been nothing...

Understanding the HIV and Cancer Connection: Risks & Prevention

The HIV and cancer connection is an important topic in modern healthcare, as people living with HIV face a higher risk of...
CANCERcancer in mauritiusCancer Research

World Cancer Support Month

World Cancer Support Month is a crucial observance dedicated to raising awareness, fostering education, and promoting...
3d medical background with close up of virus cells and DNA stran
cancer in mauritiusCancer Stages

Cancer Staging Systems: What Patients Need to Know

Stages of Cancer When a person is diagnosed with cancer, one of the important steps is for doctors to determine the stage of...
CANCERcancer in mauritiusCancer in WomenOvarian Cancer

Dispelling the Myths: Understanding Ovarian Cancer in 2024

Ovarian cancer stands as one of the prevalent malignancies affecting women worldwide. Annually, May 8th stands as World...
cancer in mauritiusCancer in WomenCancer ResearchCervical CancerCorporateDONATION

Cervical Health: A Guide to Understanding and Preventing Cervical Cancer

As January unfolds, so does the awareness surrounding cervical health, marking the Cervical Health Awareness Month. This...
Bone cancerCANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in WomenCancer ResearchCHARITYCorporateDONATIONMovember

Bone Marrow Transplants: Unveiling the Miracle of Life

November is not only the month of falling leaves and cozy sweaters; it is also recognized as National Marrow Awareness...
CANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in WomenCancer ResearchDONATIONworld no tobacco day

Understanding the Stigma of Lung Cancer: Breaking Down Misconceptions

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the stigma surrounding lung cancer, debunking misconceptions and...
Breast Cancercancer in mauritiusCancer in WomenCHARITY

Brave and Resilient: Celebrating Breast Cancer Heroes

Breast Cancer In Mauritius To the important women in our lives, she is powerful and strong. May you look out for her...