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Tag: Cancer treatment in Mauritius

CANCERcancer in mauritiusDONATION

GIST Awareness Day: Shedding Light on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

Every year on July 13th, GIST Awareness Day is observed to raise awareness about gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)....
Bone cancerCANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in WomenSarcoma

Sarcoma and Bone Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide

Sarcoma is a rare form of cancer that affects the bones, connective tissues, and soft tissues of the body. Bone cancer,...
Close up photo,  female hands squeezing lemon to her tea.
CANCERcancer in mauritius

Embracing Winter: Safeguarding Against Cancer with Precautionary Measures

As the chilly winds of winter make their presence known, it’s essential to not only bundle up in warm clothing but...
CANCERcancer in mauritiusHealth equalityMental Health

Melodies of Hope: The Therapeutic Role of Music in Cancer Care

Cancer is a terrifying adversary that affects millions of lives around the world. It’s a battle that not only tests...
CANCERcancer in mauritiusChildhood cancer

Celebrating the Courage and Resilience of Childhood Cancer Survivors

In the month of Cancer Survivorship, we take a moment to honor and pay tribute to the unsung heroes who have braved the...
Cigarette addiction. Tobacco nicotine smoke. Unhealthy, danger,
CANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in Womenworld no tobacco day

World No-Tobacco Day: Quit Smoking and Live a Cancer-Free Life

Tobacco and cancer: how are they linked? You might be thinking of lung cancer. While it is undeniable that tobacco increases...
African american medical team working on healing patient
CANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in WomenHealth equality

Addressing Health Disparity In Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

April has been declared National Minority Cancer Awareness Month with the aim of encouraging educational initiatives on the...
This pain of stomach is unbearable
Breast CancerCANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCancer in Women

Esophageal CANCER: Let’s talk about it!

The hardest part of dealing with esophageal cancer is not knowing what the future brings, but learning to live in the...
Appointment in hospital
CANCERcancer in mauritiuscancer in menCHARITYCorporateDONATIONtesticular cancer

Things to Know About Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer in Mauritius is not talked about enough. Testicular cancer is a rare but serious disease that affects the...
Blood cancerCANCERCorporateMultiple Myeloma

What Is Multiple Myeloma?

As the month of March (Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month) is coming to an end, let’s take some moment to rethink about...